Boost Your Travel Business with Right Internet Booking Engine

In this digital era, customers demand a hassle-free process for easy travel booking. An Internet Booking Engine can help to do the same by personalizing the entire booking from search to final payment. It connects with multiple GDS, Third-party suppliers, Airlines and Consolidators to fetch the worldwide content for Hotels, Flights, Packages, and Car rental. So, customers need not call you to check booking availability. Rather, they can simply visit your website and book in a couple of minutes.


Online Travel Booking Engine improves the efficiency of your business by taking simultaneous bookings while eliminating the frictions exists in the manual recording of the individual item. To do this, the channel manager showcases the real-time inventory and current rates across all channels together. The centralized system helps manage Upsell and Cross-sell, along with multiple payment gateway integration for seamless bookings.

Although the prominent features of a booking system automate the entire booking process, few additional functionalities can add more value to travel business.

Choosing the Right Internet Booking Engine

  • Social media integration

Promoting yourself among targeted audiences is the right way to engage with them and social media integration can help a business achieve the same. You can reveal your latest updates to your social networks to make it viral for the people interested in your services.

  • Image gallery

Pretty image gallery is a smart way to highlight the best sights of a tour. This can enable users to imagine what they can exactly get and ultimately help strengthen your business character.

  • Mobile management

Booking system with a mobile app feature helps you manage bookings from the preferred device. It saves time and enables users to manage all the activities anywhere anytime.

Things to Avoid:

Along with the basic inherent traits that every Travel Software demands, there are some cons that need to be monitored as well.

Let’s check them:

  • User interface is the key to customer satisfaction and thus need not to be a puzzle for the users. Make it visually clear, meaningful and user-friendly to the people using it.
  • Absence of a booking review screen lets the users unaware of the booking details. Adding a review screen helps them have a prior final check and book with confidence.
  • Adding hidden prices at the time of the final payment adds negativity to the users about your brand plus a disappointment of investing 15-20 minutes at your booking portal that finally ended useless. It is better to make your pricing clear and informed.
  • Too much information always creates a bad impression as it kills time as well as the beauty of the page. You should put relevant information with no visual overload.
  • Whether you are showcasing the right things or not makes a big difference to the user’s perception of your brand.

Solution We Offer

Our Internet Booking Engine, Travel Cloud Suite, helps customers book Flights, Hotels, Car rental, Sightseeing, and Transfers. It is a complete Travel Technology Platform catering to all OTAs (B2C, B2B, B2B2B, and B2B2C) to sell their products across multiple channels and maximize their online bookings.

We follow an easy 3-step booking process of search, booking, and payment with our interactive Mobile App. It helps manage all the bookings at fingertips anywhere anytime.