What should be the Must-have Features for Your Corporate Client’s Self Booking Tool?

Corporate Self booking tool


The self-booking tool is a very important feature for the corporate client’s website. This tool helps the customers in making their travel plans easier and faster with less effort. The corporate self-booking tools are very helpful in streamlining the entire process of booking flights, hotels and other travel related services while keeping track of all transactions made through them. 

A seamless login process 

A seamless login process is a must-have feature for any self-booking tool. The user should be able to log in with just their username and password, without needing to remember multiple passwords or enter personal information like social security number or credit card number. 

A Search Option that displays a relevant booking option in seconds 

As a corporate client, you need to know that your Corporate Self Booking Tool is going to be fast and efficient when it comes to finding relevant options. It’s no good having a great search feature if it takes too long for the results to appear or if they are too hard to understand. 

The best search option will display relevant booking options in seconds. This means that users don’t have to spend time looking through pages full of irrelevant listings just because they didn’t realize how many people had booked their venue first thing on Monday morning after reading through those same reviews over breakfast at home! 

You also want your self booking tool’s search function to be able to find options within budget so that everyone can afford them (or at least not feel like they’re paying more than $5 per person).

Reduced clutter by not having to enter the same details repeatedly 

One of the biggest benefits of using a self-booking tool is that it reduces clutter. To make things easier, you don’t have to enter the same information repeatedly: 

  • Reduce the number of steps required to complete your booking (for example, when you book online). You don’t need to log in or create an account, since it’s already done for you. This also means that there are fewer fields (like name and email) which may be filled out by users who aren’t familiar with how corporate booking works; this means less chance for errors in data entry! 
  • Reduce work required by making sure all necessary details are entered once instead of multiple times during an interaction with a customer support representative or salesperson – this saves time too! In addition, if there’s any doubt about whether something was entered correctly when filling out forms on screen then someone can always go back later after everything has been submitted successfully first time around.” 

Availability of preferred airlines/ hotel chains/ preferred suppliers etc. 

  • Availability of preferred airlines/ hotel chains/ preferred suppliers etc.
  • Availability of preferred suppliers.
  • Availability of preferred airline.
  • Availability of preferred hotel chain.

Transparent pricing and easy comparison of various options available to choose from 

A self-booking tool should be as simple and easy to use as possible. The user experience needs to be intuitive and intuitive, so that customers can easily find what they need and make their booking decisions. 

It’s important for you to ensure that your users are able to compare pricing options clearly without any confusion or errors in interpreting information displayed on the page. This will help them make an informed decision about which option is best suited for them based on their budget or other factors such as location preferences etc., 

Time saving by removing unnecessary steps in the reservation process 

From the very first step of the booking process, you should be able to see how much time it takes to complete each stage. This will help you determine which features are most important for travel business and whether they need to be included in your tool. For example, if a customer has already booked their trip with another travel agency and doesn’t want to make any changes, then it may not be necessary for them to fill out all their personal information again when checking into their hotel – especially if they are already signed up for an account with that company! 

You can also reduce unnecessary steps by eliminating redundant or repetitive questions on your website. You might ask customers what type of accommodation they would prefer (hotel vs Airbnb) once but not twice during one reservation process; however both questions could come up multiple times throughout various stages throughout the booking process (e.g., before making payment). This makes sense because asking once might cause confusion while asking again later could lead users down rabbit holes where no one wants them! 

Corporate self-booking tools should be customized for each customer, depending on their needs and budget requirements. 

A corporate self-booking tool should be customized for each customer, depending on their needs and budget requirements. The most important thing you need to do is understand your target audience and what they want from your software. Also, make sure that the features of your software are aligned with the business goals of your company as well as keeping in mind its location or region where it will be used.


Hence, it is important to understand the needs and requirements of your customer base before developing a self-booking tool. Having done that, you can now confidently start customizing your corporate booking tool accordingly.