Introduction to Network Monitoring and Management

network management


Network performance management (NPM) is a process of monitoring and managing your network infrastructure. It includes all the necessary components that are needed to ensure the optimal performance of your company’s data center, such as servers and switches. In this article, we will discuss what NPM is, why it’s important for IT professionals to invest in this technology today, how NPM can help reduce costs associated with downtime or outages on vital systems like email servers or websites hosted on cloud providers like AWS EC2. 

What Is Network Performance Monitoring?

Network performance monitoring (NPM) is the practice of analyzing the performance of a network. It can be used to monitor the performance of your network and improve its efficiency. 

The goal is to collect, analyze and interpret data from your network devices such as switches, routers, firewalls and servers so that you can make informed decisions about how they should be configured or managed in order to optimize their performance over time. NPM can help you identify problems before they become major issues by giving you an early warning system so that when something goes wrong—or even just slows down—you’ll know right away where it’s happening within your environment rather than discovering it later on when all hope has been lost! 

Why Invest in Network Performance Management and Monitoring?

Monitoring and managing your network is an essential part of ensuring its stability, security and compliance. It ensures that you have the resources you need to meet business requirements. 

Network monitoring can help you troubleshoot issues quickly so that they don’t get out of hand and cause network downtime, which could lead to loss of productivity or revenue loss. 

As a result of these benefits, it’s important for organizations to invest in both traditional tools such as SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) sensors and cloud-based solutions like Nagios Core or Checkpoint Software Zone Security Manager 2 

What Infrastructure Does a Network Performance Management and Monitoring Solution Require? 

A network performance monitoring and management solution will require a variety of tools. Some of these tools can be installed on-premises, while others may need to be deployed in a cloud-based environment. It’s important that any tool you choose integrates with other network management software so that it can work together as a whole. 

NPM is an essential component of your network infrastructure.

NPM is an essential component of your network infrastructure. It helps you understand and improve the performance of your network, identify problems before they happen, and understand how your network is being used. 

When it comes to monitoring, there are a few key pieces to consider: 

  • Monitoring should be done at regular intervals (typically daily). 
  • The monitored system should be able to provide detailed information about itself in an easy-to-understand format. 
  • The data collected from each monitoring point should be correlated with other sources such as log files or metrics calculated by external systems; this will allow you to see trends over time instead of just snapshots in time when something goes wrong, or someone tries something new on their machine! 


TI Infotech’s Network performance monitoring can help you to understand the performance of your network and make changes to improve it. With NPM, you will be able to manage your network more efficiently, optimize traffic flow, prevent bottlenecks by troubleshooting any issues before they occur and seeing how much time is being spent on different applications or tasks.

Read More: 5 Things You Should Do for Network Monitoring and Management Success | TI Infotech Blog